Champukwi of the village of the Tapirs
2007 |
Wagley, Chalrles |
Ire in Ireland
2007 |
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy |
War on the front lines
2007 |
Nordstrom, Carolyn |
Reflections on managing danger in fieldwork : dangerous anthropology in Belfast
2007 |
Sluka, Jeffrey A. |
Confronting the ethics of ethnography : lessons from fieldwork in Central America
2007 |
Bourgois, Philippe |
The taste of ethnographic things
2007 |
Stoller, Paul |
Dialogic editing : interpreting how Kaluli read Sound and Sentiment
2007 |
Feld, Steven |
Tuhami : portrait of a Moroccan
2007 |
Crapanzano, Vincent |
The observation of savage people
2007 |
Degérando, Joseph-Marie |
The methods of ethnology
2007 |
Boas, Franz |
Ethnographic seduction, transference, and resistance in dialogues about terror and violence in Argentina
2007 |
Robben, Antonius C. G. M. |
The "other" talks back : introduction
2007 |
Sluka, Jeffrey A. |
The life and death of project Camelot
2007 |
Horowitz, Irving Louis |
Ethics versus "realism" in anthropology
2007 |
Berreman, Gerald D. |
Beyond "culture" : space, identity, and the politics of difference
2007 |
Gupta, Akhil |
Afghanistan, ethnography, and the new world order
2007 |
Edwards, David B. |
Being there...and there...and there ! Reflections on multi-site ethnography
2007 |
Hannerz, Ulf |
Sensorial fieldwork : introduction
2007 |
Robben, Antonius C. G. M. |
The way things are said
2007 |
Favret-Saada, Jeanne |
Fieldwork in cultural anthropology : an introduction
2007 |
Sluka, Jeffrey A. |