Reviewing contingency measures
2006 |
Banik, Nilanjan |
Cotton textile industry in India : implications for MFA phase out
2006 |
Bandyopadhyay, Saurabh |
E-commerce and the WTO : towards an appropriate Indian position
2006 |
Sengupta, Dipankar |
Government procurement system in India
2006 |
Das, Sandwip Kumar |
Agricultural sector : trends in export and import
2006 |
Chakravarty, Pavel |
TRIPS and India : crux of the patent controversy
2006 |
Ghosh, Subhodip |
Precautionary principle : a newly emerging non-tariff barrier to developing countries trade
2006 |
Bhattacharya, Swapan K. |
Environmental standards as non-tariff barriers and the problem of market access
2006 |
Dutta, Nivedita |
Biotechnology and international trade regime : options before developing countries
2006 |
Chaturvedi, Sachin |
Economic growth, exports and the issue of trade facilitation
2006 |
Banerjee, Pritam |
Export performance in the non-agriculture sector
2006 |
Chakravarty, Pavel |
Social clause in WTO and core ILO labour standards : concerns of India and other developing countries
2006 |
Raju, K. D. |
Dispute resolution in the WTO : the experience of India
2006 |
Chaisse, Julien |
Multilateral competition framwork : is WTO the only alternative?
2006 |
Mehta, Pradeep S. |
A burden or an incentive : developing world trade and the role of RTAs
2006 |
Shingal, Anirudh |
Multilateral environmental agreements and the WTO
2006 |
Reynaers, Els |
Infrastructure concerns under GATS trade in the Telecom and transport services
2006 |
Karmakar, Suparna |
SPS-TBT measures : harmonisation and diversification?
2006 |
Banerjee, Pritam |
Agricultural subsidy : the major hurdle to free trade
2006 |
Chakraborty, Debashis |
Seed protection and genetically modified crops : sentiment and emotion
2006 |
Khan, Amir Ullah |