The complex problem of modelling economic complexity
2006 |
Day, Richard Hollis |
Complex dynamics and Post Keynesian economics
2006 |
Rosser, John Barkley |
Monetary policy when money is endogenous
2006 |
Arestis, Philip |
ICT, financial innovation and monetary policy : some critical considerations
2006 |
Sardoni, Claudio |
When are interest rates exogenous?
2006 |
Wray, L. Randall |
Limitations to Keynesian demand management throught monetary policy : wither Cartesian policy control?
2006 |
Heise, Arne |
Telling better stories in macroeconomic textbooks : monetary policy, endogenous money and aggregate demand
2006 |
Fontana, Giuseppe |
Accounting identities : more than just bookkeeping conventions
2006 |
Gnos, Claude |
The need and some methods for dynamic modelling in Post Keynesian economics
2006 |
Keen, Steve |
Corridor of viability : complexity analysis for enterprise and investment
2006 |
Courvisanos, Jerry |
Endogenous money, central banks and the banking system : Basil Moore and the supply of credit
2006 |
Rochon, Louis-Philippe |
Features of a realistic banking system within a Post-Keynesian stock-flow consistent model
2006 |
Lavoie, Marc |
Gradualism in the adjustment of official interest rates : some partial explanations
2006 |
Goodhart, Charles A. E. |
Effective demand and endogenous money in a path-dependent economy : towards a "Moorian" credit supply curve- and a reconciliation between horizontalists and structuralists?
2006 |
Setterfield, Mark |
The endogeneity of money and the Eurosystem : a contribution to the theory of central banking
2006 |
Steiger, Otto |
The demand for endogenous money : a lesson in institutional change
2006 |
Howells, Peter G. A. |
Exogenous interest rates and modern monetary theory and policy : Moore in perspective
2006 |
Rogers, Colin |
A future for Keynesian macroeconomics
2006 |
Cornwall, Wendy A. |
Exogenous versus endogenous money : the conceptual foundations
2006 |
Davidson, Paul |
Tax-driven money : additional evidence from the history of economic thought, economic history and economic policy
2006 |
Forstater, Mathew |