Rank alpha funds of hedge funds
2006 |
Alexander, Carol |
Funds of hedge funds: bias and persistence in returns
2006 |
Capocci, Daniel |
Performance, size, and new opportunities in the funds industry
2006 |
Bacmann, Jean-François |
Optimal fund of funds asset allocation : hedge funds, CTAs, and REITs
2006 |
Elkaim, Alain |
Funds of funds of hedge funds: welcome to diworsification
2006 |
Lhabitant, François-Serge |
Gains from adding funds of hedge funds to portfolios of traditional assets: an international perspective
2006 |
Hagelin, Niclas |
Tactical asset allocation for hedge fund indices at one- to six-month horizons
2006 |
Favre, Laurent |
Distributional characteristics of funds of hedge funds returns
2006 |
Hutson, Elaine |
Funds of funds and the diversification effect
2006 |
Kooli, Maher |
An overview of funds of hedge funds
2006 |
Brunel, Jean |
Institutional investment due diligence on funds of hedge funds
2006 |
Dunn, John E. |
The wizardry of analytics for funds of funds
2006 |
Fjelstad, Mary |
The changing performance and risks of funds in the modern period
2006 |
Black, Keith H. |
Style analysis of funds of hedge funds: measurement of asset allocation and style drift
2006 |
Schwindler, Oliver A. |
Single-strategy funds of hedge funds: how many funds?
2006 |
Davies, Ryan J. |
The market risk of funds of hedge funds: a conditional approach
2006 |
Pochon, Florent |
Synthetic collateralized debt obligations (CDO) squares and the continuing evolution of funds of funds
2006 |
Ali, Paul U. |
Natural resources funds of funds: active management, risk management, and due diligence
2006 |
Akey, Rian |
Replication and evaluation of funds of hedge funds returns
2006 |
Kat, Harry M. |
Simple hedge fund strategies as an alternative to funds of funds: evidence from large-cap funds
2006 |