Birgit Grodal: a friend to her friends
2006 |
Mas-Colell, Andreu |
Equilibrium pricing of derivative securities in dynamically incomplete markets
2006 |
Anderson, Robert M. |
Monetary equilibria over an infinite horizon
2006 |
Bloise, Gaetano |
Are incomplete markets able to achieve minimal efficiency?
2006 |
Dierker, Egbert |
On behavioral heterogeneity
2006 |
Hildenbrand, Werner |
Learning of steady states in nonlinear models when shocks follow a Markov chain
2006 |
Honkapohja, Seppo |
Monotone risk aversion
2006 |
Nielsen, Lars Tyge |
Do the wealthy risk more money? : an experimental comparison
2006 |
Bosch Domènech, Antoni |
Equilibrium with arbitrary market structure
2006 |
Grodal, Birgit |
Pareto improving price regulation when the asset market is incomplete
2006 |
Herings, Peter Jean-Jacques |
Group formation with heterogeneous feasible sets
2006 |
Le Breton, Michel |
Will democracy engender equality?
2006 |
Roemer, John E. |
Household inefficiency and equilibrium efficiency
2006 |
Gersbach, Hans |
Adaptive contracting: the trial-and-error approach to outsourcing
2006 |
Bennedsen, Morten |
A competitive model of economic geography
2006 |
Ellickson, Bryan |
On the definition of differentiated products in the real world
2006 |
Allen, Beth Elaine |
The organization of production, consumption and learning
2006 |
The evolution of conventions under incomplete information
2006 |
Jensen, Morgens |
Consumption externalities, rental markets and purchase clubs
2006 |
Scotchmer, Suzanne |
Core-equivalence for the Nash bargaining solution
2006 |
Trockel, Walter |