Spaces for business ethics
2006 |
Bickel, Domingo Sugranyes |
Ethics, courage and discipline : the lessons of Enron
2006 |
Kennedy, Robert G. |
Who is who in the world of financial "Swaps" and special purpose entities
2006 |
Monnet, François-Marie |
Overview of the book
2006 |
Cornford, Andrew J. |
Enron and internationally agreed principles for corporate governance and the financial sector
2006 |
Cornford, Andrew J. |
Anonymity : is a norm as good as a name?
2006 |
Dommen, Édouard |
The demise of Andersen : a consequence of corporate governance failure in the context of major changes in the accounting profession and the audit market
2006 |
Sauviat, Catherine |
Enron et al. and implications for the auditing profession
2006 |
Travis, Anthony |
Enron revisited : what is a board member to do?
2006 |
Krasna, Beth |
Enron : the collapse of corporate culture
2006 |
Dobson, John M. |
Developing leadership and responsibility : no alternative for business schools
2006 |
Bettignies, Henri-Claude de |
Enron : visiting the immersed part of the iceberg
2006 |
Dembinski, Pawel H. |
A revisionist view of Enron and the sudden death of "May"
2006 |
Partnoy, Frank |
How to restore trust in financial markets?
2006 |
Blommestein, Hans J. |
An ethical diagnosis of the Enron affair
2006 |
Perrot, Etienne |
Ethics for a post-Enron America
2006 |
Boatright, John Raymond |