Unobserved heterogeneity and estimation of average partial effects
2005 |
Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. |
On specifying graphical models for causation and the indentification problem
2005 |
Freedman, David A. |
Identifying a source of financial volatility
2005 |
Steigerwald, Douglas G. |
Asymptotic expansions for some semiparametric program evaluation estimators
2005 |
Ichimura, Hidehiko |
Empirical evidence concerning the finite sample performance of EL-type structural equation estimation and inference methods
2005 |
Mittelhammer, Ron C. |
Testing for unit roots in panel data : an exploration using real and simulated data
2005 |
Hall, Bronwyn H. |
Forecasting in the presence of structural breaks and policy regime shifts
2005 |
Hendry, David F. |
Density weighted linear least squares
2005 |
Newey, Whitney K. |
How accurate is the asymptotic approximation to the distribution of realised variance?
2005 |
Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole E. |
A new look at panel testing of stationarity and PPP hypothesis
2005 |
Bai, Jushan |
Nonparametric testing of an exclusion restriction
2005 |
Bickel, Peter J. |
Pairwise difference estimators for nonlinear models
2005 |
Honoré, Bo E. |
Structural equation models in human behavior genetics
2005 |
Goldberger, Arthur Stanley |
Testing for weak instruments in linear IV regression
2005 |
Stock, James H. |
Higher-order improvements of the parametric bootstrap for Markov processes
2005 |
Andrews, Donald W. K. |
Asymptotic bias for GMM and GEL estimators with estimated nuisance parameters
2005 |
Newey, Whitney K. |
Testing the semiparametric Box-Cox model with the bootstrap
2005 |
Savin, N. Eugene |
Tests of the null hypothesis of cointegration based on efficient tests for a unit MA root
2005 |
Jansson, Michael |
Robust confidence intervals for autoregressive coefficients near one
2005 |
Thompson, Samuel B. |
Incredible structural inference
2005 |
Rothenberg, Thomas J. |