Aging of populations: future trends
1955 |
Berent, Jerzy |
La composation par âge de la population du Brésil et de ses différentes sections
1955 |
Alves, Elǐgio |
Regional population projecting in the Netherlands
1955 |
Angenot, L. H. J. |
Future population prospects in the Scandinavian countries
1955 |
Backer, Julie E. |
Socioeconomic problems imposed by the aging of the population in Norway
1955 |
Backer, Julie E. |
Compositions par ag̀e de la population française
1955 |
Depoid, Pierre |
Di una misura della distribuzione della popolazione secondo l'età
1955 |
Billeter, Ernst P. |
Forms of training for demographic research and teaching
1955 |
Mair, George F. |
Aspetti della distribuzione per sesso e per età della popolazione italiana
1955 |
Occhiuto, A. |
The work of the National Advisory Committee on the Employment of Older Men and Women (Great Britain)
1955 |
Wiles, Harold |
Population forecast for the Federal Republic of Germany
1955 |
Horstmann, K. |
Le chômage des personnes âgées en rapport avec leur embauchage et leur licenciement
1955 |
Goldschmidt-Clermont, M. P. |
Schemi di previsione di popolazioni economicamente attive
1955 |
Lasorsa, Giovanni |
The role of the U. S. National Science Foundation in the training of personnel for demographic research
1955 |
Alpert, Harry |
Confronti tra distribuzioni per età di popolazioni stazionarie, stabili e reali
1955 |
Lenti, Libero |
Suggestions for improving training and professional standards of demographers
1955 |
Schmid, Calvin F. |
Future population prospects in the United States
1955 |
Thompson, Warren S. |
Towards a general methodology of population projections, by sex and age, for countries with only moderate amounts of statistics
1955 |
Grauman, John V. |
Vieillissement de la population et sécurité socialey
1955 |
Féraud, L. |
Prospects for future population changes in South Africa
1955 |
Badenhorst, L. T. |