The accounting consequences of securitisation
2006 |
Jeffrey, Peter C. |
Exploring the inverstor base: who buys and sells European ABS and why?
2006 |
Ford, Rob |
Whole business securitisations
2006 |
Velins, Robert |
Islamic securitisations: opportunities with sukuk
2006 |
Thomas, Abdulkader |
The way foreward - future trends for securitisation and structured products
2006 |
Watson, Rick |
The changing profile of risk - the impact of Basel II on ABS issurance and investment
2006 |
Herrmann, Markus |
Legal structure of cash and synthetic transactions
2006 |
Clancy, Patrick |
Arbitrage synthetic CDOs
2006 |
Fery, Loic |
Regulatory impact of synthetic securitisation
2006 |
Glüder, Dieter |
Securitisation tax in context
2006 |
Wistow, Michael |
Converging developments in ABCP conduits and SIV markets
2006 |
Long, Douglas |
The market for first loss and mezzanine risk
2006 |
Duhon, Terri |
Residential mortgage-backed securities
2006 |
Smallman, Joseph D. |
Cash flow CDOs
2006 |
Birchall, Kate |
Value in-force securitisation
2006 |
Wood, Murray |
Securitisation in the emerging markets
2006 |
Edison, Noel |
The boom in asset securitisation
2006 |
Prasad, Krishna |
The rating process for structured finance instruments
2006 |
Carter, Jeremy |
Auto loan and lease ABS
2006 |
Hesdahl, Ralf |
Monoline insurer financial guarantees: expanding the investor horizon
2006 |
Severs, Paul |