The success of gradualism : empirical evidence from China's agricultural reform
2006 |
Huang, Jikun |
Duality of farm structure in transition agriculture : the case of Moldova
2006 |
Lerman, Zvi |
Contractual arrangement and enforcement in transition agriculture : theory and evidence from China
2006 |
Guo, Hongdong |
Contract farming in China : perspectives of smallholders
2006 |
Guo, Hongdong |
Production and trade of animal products in selected ECO countries
2006 |
Mirzaei, Farhad |
Small-scale farming in Romania - shadow prices and efficiency
2006 |
Sauer, Johannes |
Land market developments, imperfections, and effects in transition countries
2006 |
Swinnen, Johan F. M. |
Farmland markets, boom/bust cycles,and farm size
2006 |
Moss, Charles B. |
Contractual relationships in the Hungarian horticultural sector
2006 |
Fertő, Imre |
Are macro policies adjusted to institutional arrangements at the micro level? : Some evidence from Polish agriculture during transition
2006 |
Fałkowski, Jan |
Measuring the degree of market power in the Ukrainian milk processing industry
2006 |
Perekhozhuk, Oleksandr |
Determinants of foreign direct investments in the food processing industry : an empirical analysis for Ukraine
2006 |
Luka, Oksana |
How large is the marginal product of land in the Moscow region?
2006 |
Il'ina, Natalia |
Farm to retail price transmission on the pork market : a German-Hungarian comparison
2006 |
Labor mobility in transition countries and the impact of institutions
2006 |
Herzfeld, Thomas |
Opportunities and challenges for farm household livelihood strategies : pluriactivity in Finland and the UK
2006 |
Newton, Claire |
New policy approaches for rural development : the experience of two case regions in Eastern Germany
2006 |
Fock, Theodor |
Land reform and farm restructuring in Moldova, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan : a stocktaking
2006 |
Sedik, David J. |
Organizational restructuring of the agrarian sector in Bulgaria during the pre-accession period
2006 |
Doitchinova, Julia M. |
Governance of Bulgarian farming - modes, efficiency, impact of EU accession
2006 |
Bachev, Hrabrin |