Diversity management
2006 |
Dietz, Jörg |
The human resource department: roles, coordination and influence
2006 |
Stiles, Philip |
Developing global leadership capabilities and global mindset: a review
2006 |
Expatriate adjustment and performance: a critical review
2006 |
Thomas, David C. |
International business travellers: a challenge for IHRM
2006 |
Welch, Denice Ellen |
Decoupling and coupling in global teams: implications for human resource management
2006 |
Gibbs, Jennifer L. |
Gender and international human resource management
2006 |
Hearn, Jeff |
International human resource management and firm performance
2006 |
Paauwe, Jaap |
Global staffing
2006 |
Collings, David |
The compensation of expatriates: a review and a future research agenda
2006 |
Bonache, Jaime |
International assignee selection and cross-cultural training and development
2006 |
Caligiuri, Paula M. |
Managing culture and human resources in mergers and aquisitions
2006 |
Goulet, Philip K. |
International human resource management, fairness and trust: an organizational support theory framework
2006 |
Whitener, Ellen |
Strategic international human resource management in multinational enterprises: developments and directions
2006 |
De Cieri, Helen |
The dual logics behind international human resource management: pressures for global integration and local responsiveness
2006 |
Rosenzweig, Philip M. |
Comparing HRM policies and practices across geographical borders
2006 |
Brewster, Chris |
Global knowledge management and HRM
2006 |
Sparrow, Paul R. |
Global performance management systems
2006 |
Cascio, Wayne F. |
The evolution from repatriation of managers in MNEs to "patriation" in global organizations
2006 |
Harvey, Michael G. |
Global virtual team dynamics and effectiveness
2006 |
Maznevski, Martha L. |