An introduction to the basic income guarantee
2005 |
Lewis, Michael Anthony |
Inheritance and equal shares : early American views
2005 |
Cunliffe, John |
Basic income, liberal neutrality, socialism, and work
2005 |
Howard, Michael W. |
Back to work incentives in a dynamic perspective : an application to French labor markets
2005 |
Laurent, Thierry |
Basic income in the United States : redefining cititzenship in the liberal state
2005 |
Zelleke, Almaz |
Perhaps there can be too much freedom
2005 |
Lewis, Michael Anthony |
Have the 1996 welfare reforms and expansion of the earned income tax credit eliminated the need for a basic income guarantee in the United States?
2005 |
Bryan, James Bennett |
Social minima in Europe : the risks of cumulating income-sources
2005 |
Bouquin, Stephen |
The political economy of the basic income grant in South Africa
2005 |
Nattrass, Nicoli Jean |
In the shadow of Speenhamland : social policy and the old poor law
2005 |
Block, Fred L. |
The guaranteed income movement of the 1960s and 1970s
2005 |
Harris, Robert |
A retrospective on the negative income tax experiments : looking back at the most innovate field studies in social policy
2005 |
Does she exploit or doesn't she?
2005 |
Widerquist, Karl |
Income guarantees and the equity-efficiency tradeoff
2005 |
Pressman, Steven |
The approval of the basic income guarantee in Brazil
2005 |
Suplicy, Eduardo Matarazzo |
The basic income guarantee in Europe : the Belgian and Dutch back door strategies
2005 |
Vanderborght, Yannick |
The cost of eliminating poverty in Canada : basic income with an income test twist
2005 |
Hum, Derek |
Can negative income tax system for the United Kingdom be both equitable and affordtable?
2005 |
Bartlett, Randall Kenyon |