Sovereignty, post-sovereignty and pre-sovereignty : three models of the state, democracy and rights within the EU
2003 |
Bellamy, Richard |
Sovereignty über alles : (re)configuring the German legal order
2003 |
Aziz, Miriam |
The legacy of sovereignty in the Italian constitutional debate
2003 |
Cartabia, Marta |
United Kingdom : divided on sovereignty?
2003 |
Armstrong, Kenneth |
Do not mention the word : sovereignty in two Europhile countries : Belgium and The Netherlands
2003 |
Witte, de, Bruno |
The debate about sovereignty in the United States : a historical and comparative perspective
2003 |
Goldsworthy, Jeffrey |
Sovereignty at the boundaries of the polity
2003 |
Shaw, Jo |
Ten tenets of souvereignty
2003 |
Loughlin, Martin |
Souvereignty and representation in the European Union
2003 |
Lindahl, Hans |
From state souvereignty to the "sovereignty of citizens" in the international relations law of the EU?
2003 |
Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich |
Sovereignty and plurinational democracy : problems in political science
2003 |
Keating, Michael |
State sovereignty and European integration : public international law, EU law and constitutional law in the Polish context
2003 |
Mik, Cezary |
Sovereignty and the supremacy doctrine of the European Court of Justice
2003 |
Búrca, de, Gráinne |
Late sovereignty in the European Union
2003 |
Walker, Neil |
Souvereignty and constitutionalism in international law
2003 |
Fassbender, Bardo |
Discussing sovereignty and transnational politics
2003 |
Huysmans, Jef |
Sovereignty : unpopular and popular
2003 |
Roermund, van, Bert |
""Que les Latins appellent maiestatem" : an exploration into the theological background of the concept of sovereignty
2003 |
Buijs, Govert |
Sovereignty in France : getting rid of the Mal de Bodin
2003 |
Ziller, Jacques |
Postmodern versus retrospective sovereignty : two different discourses in the EU and the candidate countries?
2003 |
Albi, Anneli |