Determining loss given default and transaction ratings in collateralized lending with obligor-collateral correlation
2006 |
Maglic, Stevan |
Modeling correlation risk
2006 |
Sultan, Jahangir |
Risk capital attribution and risk-adjusted performance measurement
2006 |
Crouhy, Michel |
Aligning regulatory capital with economic capital: An alternative approach to risk weights according to Basel II
2006 |
Benvegnù, Stefan |
The distribution of returns and risk forecasting
2006 |
Bilson, John F. |
The role of behavioral finance in risk management
2006 |
Shefrin, Hersh |
Managing risk across the enterprise: challenges and benefits
2006 |
Lam, James |
Advanced risk budgeting techniques
2006 |
Berkelaar, Arjan B. |
Hedge fund investing
2006 |
Sharma, Milind |
Retrospective assessment of value at risk
2006 |
Dowd, Kevin |
New challenges in credit risk modeling and measurement
2006 |
Sobehart, Jorge R. |
An analysis of value and risk: the Procter & Gamble-Bankers Trust case
2006 |
Margrabe, William |
Integration of operational risk management and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Section 404
2006 |
Marshall, Randy |
Capital allocation using risk management tools
2006 |
Rao, Vandana |
"Buy on the rumor" and "sell on the news"
2006 |
Peterson, Richard Lewis |
Mathematical framework for integrating market and credit risk
2006 |
Kiesel, Rüdiger |
Asset and liability management from an enterprise-wide risk management perspective
2006 |
Deventer, Donald R. van |
ERM strategies for investors
2006 |
Beder, Tanya Styblo |
The hedge fund paradigm
2006 |
Posthuma, Nolke |
Estimating parameters required for credit risk modeling
2006 |
Araten, Michel |