The definition of the law of the sea
2002 |
Vukas, Budislav |
The continental shelf : interplay of law and science
2002 |
Nelson, L.D.M. |
International organizations and the use of force
2002 |
Rao Pemmaraju, Sreenivasa |
The relationship between the UN Charter and general international law regarding non-use of force : the case of NATO's air campaign in the Kosovo crisis of 1999
2002 |
Murase, Shinya |
Les droits de l'homme et la Cour internationale de Justice : une vision latino-américaine
2002 |
Gros Espiell, Héctor |
The follow-up procedure of the Human Rights Committee's views
2002 |
Andō, Nisuke |
Deutsche Seegrenzen
2002 |
Rudolf, Walter |
On the legal character of retaliation in the World Trade Organization system
2002 |
Kotera, Akira |
Appearing "for" or "on behalf of" a state : the role of private counsel before international tribunals
2002 |
Cot, Jean-Pierre |
Why do states take disputes to the international court?
2002 |
Brownlie, Ian |
Changes in Japan's policy on the law of the sea
2002 |
Mizukami, Chiyuki |
Evolution in the fishery provisions on UNCLOS
2002 |
Burke, William T. |
Das Seerecht als Motor des internationalen Umweltrechts : Gedanken zu neueren Entwicklungen im Bereich des Tiefseebergbaus
2002 |
Bothe, Michael |
The intertemporal character of international law regarding the ocean
2002 |
Sucharitkul, Sompong |
Coastal state jurisdiction over refugees and migrants at sea
2002 |
Ronzitti, Natalino |
Judge Shigeru oda and maritime boudary delimitation
2002 |
Van Dyke, Jon M. |
Réflexions sur l'intégration européenne dans les domaines des relations extérieures et de la défense
2002 |
Vignes, Daniel |
Contemporary law regulating armed conflict at sea
2002 |
Vohrah, L. C. |
The impact of judments and advisory opinions of the PCIJ-ICJ on regional Courts of Human Rights
2002 |
Kiss, Alexandre |
Linking eqity and law in maritime delimitation
2002 |
Schachter, Oscar |