A review of the debate in the United States senate over the deployment of ground troops to Kosovo
2002 |
Nordquist, Myron H. |
Considerations of equity in maritime boundary cases before the International Court of Justice
2002 |
Miyoshi, Masahiro |
Exhaustion of domestic remedies
2002 |
Schermers, Henry G. |
The differences between conducting a case in the ICJ and in an ad hoc arbitration tribunal ; an inside view
2002 |
Jennings, Robert H. |
Deprivation of property of foreigners under international law
2002 |
Dinshṭeyn, Yoram |
The uses and abuses of advisory opinions
2002 |
Berman, Franklin |
Trust funds in international litigation
2002 |
Anderson, David |
Civil liability and compensation for vessel-source pollution of the marine environment and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982)
2002 |
Mensah, Thomas A. |
Waves within and outside the law of the sea : traversing gaps ambiguities and priorities
2002 |
Paust, Jordan J. |
Third parties before international tribunals : the ICJ and the WTO
2002 |
Iwasawa, Yuji |
The problem of delimiting the maritime zone between China (Mainland and Taiwan) and Japan
2002 |
Chiu, Hungdah |
From confrontation to cooperation on the high seas : recent developments in international law concerning the conservation of marine resources
2002 |
Frontier, L. Yves |
The common heritage of mankind in the present law of the sea
2002 |
Degan, Vladimir-Djuro |
The common heritage of mankind : from non-living resources and beyond
2002 |
Mann-Borgese, Elisabeth |
A few remarks on the theoretical basis of the new law of the sea
2002 |
Kreća, Milenko |
Cultural and ideological pluralism in public international law
2002 |
Weeramantry, C. G. |
Peaceful settlement of boundary disputes under the auspices of the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations : the case of the frontier dispute between Eritrea and Ethiopia
2002 |
Simma, Bruno |
The Austrian continental shelf
2002 |
Seidl-Hohenveldern, Ignaz |
Oil and gas in the Caspian Sea and international law
2002 |
Nakatani, Kazuhiro |
The 1928 General Act for the Pacific settlement of international dispute revisted
2002 |
Tomuschat, Christian |