Competition and bank liquidity creation
2019 |
Jiang, Liangliang |
Board ancestral diversity and firm-performance volatility
2019 |
Giannetti, Mariassunta |
Investor inattention and stock prices : evidence from acquisitions with a choice of payment type
2019 |
Lie, Erik |
Shelf versus traditional seasoned equity offerings : the impact of potential short selling
2019 |
Dutordoir, Marie |
Labor adjustment costs and risk management
2019 |
Qiu, Yue |
The effect of investment constraints on hedge fund investor returns
2019 |
Joenväärä, Juha |
Dead hand proxy puts and hedge fund activism
2019 |
Griffith, Sean J. |
New evidence on conditional factor models
2019 |
Cooper, Ilan |
A shadow rate or a quadratic policy rule? : the best way to enforce the zero lower bound in the United States
2019 |
Andreasen, Martin Møller |
Attention to market information and underreaction to earnings on market moving days
2019 |
Kottimukkalur, Badrinath |
Distracted institutional investors
2019 |
Schmidt, Daniel |
Panel-data estimation in finance : testable assumptions and parameter (in)consistency
2019 |
Grieser, William D. |
Asymmetric information, debt capacity, and capital structure
2019 |
Lemmon, Michael L. |
Tail risk and the cross-section of mutual fund expected returns
2019 |
Karagiannis, Nikolaos |
Risk and return in high-frequency trading
2019 |
Baron, Matthew |
Regional economic activity and stock returns
2019 |
Smajlbegovic, Esad |
Is it the investment bank or the investment banker? : a study of the role of investment banker human capital in acquisitions
2019 |
Chemmanur, Thomas J. |
Stock price co-movement and the foundations of pairs trading
2019 |
Farago, Adam |
A single-factor consumption-based asset pricing model
2019 |
Delikouras, Stefanos |
Business loans and the transmission of monetary policy
2019 |
Barraza, Santiago |