Exchange rate pass-through, inflation and monetary policy in Egypt
2022 |
Elnagger, Athar |
Export intensity, learning, and performance : a multidimensional model for export strategy
2022 |
Siddiqui, Areej Aftab |
Social and solidarity economy in Morocco : cooperatives' behavior and growth
2022 |
Mekkaoui-de Freitas, Najat el- |
Do fiscal regimes matter for fiscal sustainability in South Africa? : a Markov-Switching approach
2022 |
Woldu, Gabriel Temesgen |
Digital payment and economic growth : evidence from India
2022 |
Abdul Azeez N.P. |
The changing landscape of India's regional trade agreements : realities and prospects
2022 |
Kaushal, Leena A. |
Finding the right inflation target
2022 |
Adhikari, Deergha R. |
Did the COVID-19 pandemic impact income mobility and income distribution?
2022 |
Astarita, Caterina |
Chairperson effects in monetary policy shock identification
2022 |
Groft, Dan |
The role of Independent Fiscal Institutions in assessing the sustainability of high public debt
2021 |
Gordo, Esther |
The role of air pollution and income in public health in OECD countries
2021 |
Massidda, Carla |
Labor demand, qualifications, and family management : analyzing labor demand of German family-managed firms with panel data
2021 |
Kölling, Arnd |
Do portfolio diversification benefits exist? : a study of selected developed and emerging markets
2021 |
Patel, Ritesh Jayantibhai |
Industrial output growth forecast : a machine learning approach based on cross-validation
2021 |
Marcondes Pinto, Jeronymo |
Exchange rate volatility and domestic consumption in the G7 : an asymmetric analysis
2021 |
Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen |
Revisiting the EKC hypothesis on the moderating role of human capital formation in the economic growth-environment nexus
2021 |
Uddin, Mirza Md Moyen |
Designing GDP-linked bonds with default
2021 |
Leventides, John |
How to strengthen fiscal surveillance towards a medium-term focus?
2021 |
Rodríguez, Lucía |
Loan maturity structure and the actualization of production
2021 |
Chaya, Jamil |
Pandemic versus financial shocks : comparison of two episodes on the Bitcoin market
2021 |
Horky, Florian |