Australian immigration policies : do they respond to economic globalisation? : A comparative study
2005 |
Tisdell, Mariel |
Successful globalisation requires good corporate governance : some East Asian experience
2005 |
Sathiendrakumar, Rajasundram |
Telecommunication globalisation and policy responses of Vietnam
2005 |
Ngu Viet Hoang |
An overview of globalisation and economic policy responses
2005 |
Tisdell, Clement A. |
Globalisation, social expenditure and economic growth : a cross-country study
2005 |
Bhattacharya, Basabi |
Exchange hedge : a strategy against the globalisation adversities of financial markets
2005 |
Oliveira, Marcos Roberto Gòis de |
Finland : the reluctant globaliser
2005 |
Blomqvist, Hans C. |
Commercialisation of Brunei's electricity sector : efficiency and distributional consequences of following a global trend
2005 |
Lawrey, Roger N. |
Singapore's responses to globalisation and regional competition
2005 |
Chew, Soon Beng |
Globalisation and China
2005 |
Blandy, Richard J. |
Rural-urban labour mobility and income inequality in China against the background of globalisation
2005 |
Yang, Cao |
The European employment strategy in the light of globalisation : its origins and effectiveness
2005 |
Lasselle, Laurence |
Globalisation, politics and European financial integration
2005 |
Carney, Richard |
Immigration as a strategy to relieve the ageing problem in developed countries : the Spanish case
2005 |
Rojas, Juan A. |
Globalisation and evolution of Korean foreign investment policy : trends and issues
2005 |
Pattnaik, Chinmay |
Globalisation and China's reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
2005 |
Yang, Ruilong |
The globalisation of China's financial sector : policies, consequences and lessons
2005 |
Laurenceson, James |
Australia's economic policies in an era of globalisation
2005 |
Tisdell, Clement A. |
Roles, problems and policies of Indonesian small and medium enterprises in globalisation
2005 |
Firdausy, Carunia Mulya |
Growing economic integration prospects, problems and the impact of globalisation
2005 |
Shariff, Ismail |