Statistics, sociology and economics of research in Hungary
1966 |
Szalai, Sandor |
L' aide aux pays en voie de développement: Le cas français
1966 |
Allier, Jean-Pierre |
Socio-cultural factors and the development of sociology in Latin America
1966 |
Galtung, Johan |
La science administrative et sa place parmi les sciences sociales
1966 |
Langrod, Georges |
Division of work between research in universities, independent institutes, and government departments
1966 |
Friis, Henning |
Problems of planning for economic growth in a mixed economy : text of an address given to the Royal Economic Society on 9.7.1964
1965 |
Shone, Robert M. |
Research in the field of international exchanges in education, science and culture
1965 |
Klineberg, Otto |
Structures et activités du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique dans le domaine des sciences sociales
1965 |
Jacquot, A. |
The great vista: National planning research
1965 |
Gross, Bertram Myron |
La recherche sociale au Sénégale
1965 |
Thomas, L. V. |
Développement économique, structures sociales et delinquance juvenile dans certaines régions de la Pologne
1965 |
Maroszek, Bolesław |
The Conference Board of Associated Research Councils in the United States : a brief historical account with special reference to national and international manpower problems
1965 |
Young, Francis A. |
Situation de la science politique en Espagne depuis 1945
1965 |
Lucas Verdu, Pablo |
Les sociétés rurales françaises: Inventaire typologique et étude de changements sociaux
1965 |
Mendras, Henri |
The teaching of economics in South-East Asian universities
1965 |
Chomchai, Prachoom |
The evaluation of international education: An administrative approach
1965 |
Elliott, Alan J. A. |
Specialized periodicals in the field of the social sciences in the Netherlands
1964 |
Jolles, H. M. |
Austria and aid to developing countries
1964 |
Kerschagl, Richard |
Economics in contemporary Poland
1964 |
Zielinski, Janusz G. |
L' étude du problème du sous-emploi rural dans les pays en voie de développement
1964 |
Raynaud, Edgar |