Productivity and social indicators
1981 |
Chandrasekar, Krishnamurti |
Income maintenance programs and the pursuit of income security
1981 |
Danziger, Sheldon |
The American work force in the eighties : new problems and policy interests require improved lavor force data
1981 |
Adams, Arvil V. |
[Besprechung von:] Levine, Solomon B. and Hisashi Kawada: Human resources in Japanese industrial development. Princeton/N. J. 1980
1981 |
Melby, John F. |
Trends in schooling : demography, performance, and organization
1981 |
Mare, Robert D. |
[Besprechung von:] Wildavsky, Aaron: How to limit government spending. Berkeley/Calif. 1980
1981 |
Goldstein, G. S. |
[Besprechung von:] Street, James H. and Dilmus D. James: Technological progress in Latin America. The prospects for overcoming dependency. Boulder/Colo. 1979
1981 |
Cardozo, Manoel |
New life-styles : marriage patterns, living arrangements, and fertility outside of marriage
1981 |
Kitagawa, Evelyn M. |
Public safety : marshaling crime statistics
1981 |
Reiss jr., Albert J. |
1981 |
Pisarski, Alan E. |
Measuring culture, leisure, and time use
1981 |
Peterson, Richard A. |
Social measurement and social indicators
1981 |
Johnston, Denis F. |
Health in the United States
1981 |
Lunde, Anders Steen |
[Besprechung von:] Hermassi, Elbaki: The Third World reassessed. Berkeley/Calif. 1980. Menon, B. P.: Bridges across the South. Technical cooperation among developing countries. Elmsford/N.Y. 1980
1981 |
Reynolds, Dana D. |
Housing and the environment : shooting at moving targets
1981 |
Holleb, Doris B. |