The evolution of social cognitive theory
2005 |
Bandura, Albert |
Upper echelons theory : origins, twists and turns, and lessons learned
2005 |
Hambrick, Donald C. |
Developing psychological contract theory
2005 |
Rousseau, Denise M. |
Managerial and organizational cognition : islands of coherence
2005 |
Huff, Anne S. |
The development of stakeholder theory : an idiosyncratic approach
2005 |
Freeman, R. Edward |
Developing resource dependence theory : how theory is affected by its environment
2005 |
Pfeffer, Jeffrey |
Epilogue: learning how to develop theory from the masters
2005 |
Smith, Ken G. |
Grand theories and mid-range theories : cultural effects on theorizing and the attempt to understand active approaches to work
2005 |
Frese, Michael |
Goal setting theory : theory building by induction
2005 |
Locke, Edwin A. |
How job characteristics theory happened
2005 |
Oldham, Greg R. |
On the origins of expectancy theory
2005 |
Vroom, Victor H. |
Double-loop learning in organizations : a theory of action perspective
2005 |
Argyris, Chris |
An evolutionary approach to institutions and social construction : process and structure
2005 |
Zucker, Lynne G. |
Image theory
2005 |
Beach, Lee R. |
Do employee attitudes towards organizations matter? The study of employee commitment to organizations
2005 |
Porter, Lyman W. |
The escalation of commitment : steps toward an organizational theory
2005 |
Staw, Barry M. |
Managing organizational knowledge : theoretical and methodological foundations
2005 |
Nonaka, Ikujiro |
Institutional theory : contributing to a theoretical research program
2005 |
Scott, W. Richard |
Developing evolutionary theory for economics and management
2005 |
Winter, Sidney G. |
The road to fairness and beyond
2005 |
Folger, Robert |