Estimation of treatment effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin using matching samples
2009 |
Tauer, Loren W. |
The economics of soil fertility management in Malawi
2009 |
Sauer, Johannes |
Strategy-structure alignment in the world coffee industry : the case of Cooxupé
2009 |
Chaddad, Fabio R. |
A welfare analysis of the US ethanol subsidy
2009 |
Du, Xiaodong |
Submission patterns, submission policies, and revealed preferences for agricultural economics journals
2009 |
Lusk, Jayson L. |
The productivity effects of extension appointments in Land-Grant colleges
2009 |
Foltz, Jeremy D. |
Consumer response to a food safety shock : the 2006 food-borne illness outbreak of E. coli O157 : H7 linked to spinach
2009 |
Arnade, Carlos Anthony |
Economic impact analysis of marker-assisted breeding for tolerance to salinity and phosphorous deficiency in rice
2009 |
Costs of organic milk production on US dairy farms
2009 |
McBride, William D. |
Do income support programs impact producer hedging decisions? : evidence from a cross-country comparative
2009 |
Woolverton, Andrea E. |
Do government economists value AAEA conferences?
2009 |
Cooper, Joseph C. |
Growing a niche market : a targeted marketing plan for Colorado homestead ranches
2009 |
McFadden, Dawn Thilmany |
US dairy industry supply control : managing the cooperatives working together program
2009 |
Siebert, John W. |
Do the largest firms grow and diversify the fastest? : the case of US dairies
2009 |
Melhim, Almuhanad |
What have we learned from over 20 years of farmland amenity valuation research in North America
2009 |
Bergstrom, John C. |
A place for water markets : performance and challenges
2009 |
Hadjigeorgalis, Ereney |
Getting something from nothing : an investigation of beef demand expansion and substitution
2009 |
Gunderson, Michael Q. |
Biases in calculating dumping margins : the case of cyclical products
2009 |
Rude, James |
The empirical distribution of the costs of revenue-based commodity support programs : estimates and policy implications
2009 |
Cooper, Joseph C. |
The direct and indirect costs of food-safety regulation
2009 |
Ollinger, Michael |