Hedge funds from the institutional investor's perspective
2005 |
Amenc, Noël |
Revisiting the role of hedge funds in diversified portfolios
2005 |
Brunel, Jean |
Hedge fund selection: a synthetic desirability index
2005 |
Langevin, Jean-Pierre |
The performance of hedge funds in the presence of errors in variables
2005 |
Fat-tail risk in portfolios of hedge funds and traditional investments
2005 |
Bacmann, Jean-François |
Integrating hedge funds into the traditional portfolio
2005 |
Kat, Harry M. |
Maximum drawdown distributions with volatility persistence
2005 |
Wilkens, Kathryn |
Performance in the hedge fund industry : an analysis of short- and long-term persistence
2005 |
Gyger, Sébastien |
Does extreme risk affect the fund of hedge funds composition?
2005 |
Favre, Laurent |
Skewing your diversification
2005 |
Shore, Mark S. |
Hedge funds and the stale pricing issue
2005 |
Gaber, Mohamed |
Designing a long-term wealth maximization strategy for hedge fund managers
2005 |
Black, Keith H. |
Profiles of hedge fund indexes against conventional asset style indexes
2005 |
Feldman, Barry |
A literature review of hedge fund performance studies
2005 |
Rouah, Fabrice |
Investing in hedge funds through multimanager vehicles
2005 |
Jones, Meredith A. |
Investing in hedge funds : risks, returns, and performance measurement
2005 |
Efficiency of funds of hedge funds : a data envelopment analysis approach
2005 |
Gregoriou, Greg N. |
Alternative RAPMs for alternative investments
2005 |
Sharma, Milind |
A hedge fund investor's guide to understanding managed futures
2005 |
Till, Hilary F. |
Investable equity long/short hedge funds : properties and behavior
2005 |
Leung, Edward |