The forecast of Poland's foreign trade for 2009 - 2010 under declining demand and world trade
2009 |
Przystupa, Jan |
External economic environment of Poland in the global economic crisis
2009 |
Kotyński, Juliusz P. |
Exchange rate of the zloty in 2008
2009 |
Sokołowska, Barbara |
Policy towards foreign investors and foreign direct investment in Poland during the financial crisis and investment slump in the world economy
2009 |
Chojna, Janusz |
The risk (threats and opportunities) for Polish exporting enterprises in the days of crisis in the light of the IBRKK survey
2009 |
Kaleta-Jagiełło, Elżbieta Małgorzata |
The common commercial policy of the European Union - is it common towards Russia/ Marzenna Błaszczuk; Ewa Kaliszuk
2007 |
Błaszczuk, Marzenna |
Exchange rate in 2006
2007 |
Sokołowska, Barbara |
The impact of foreign-owned companies on changes in the economic structure of Poland's exports of manufactured goods in 1998 - 2004
2007 |
Marczewski, Krzysztof |
Innovation activities of industrial enterprises
2007 |
Burzyński, Wojciech |
Policy towards foreign investors and foreign direct investment in Poland
2007 |
Chojna, Janusz |
Export-support policy and its effectiveness according to the FTRI survey
2007 |
Wysocka, Anna |
The forecast of Poland's foreign trade turnover in 2007 - 2008
2007 |
Jagiełło, Elżbieta Małgorzata |
The impact of Poland's EU membership on prices, production, exports and income in the agri-food sector
2005 |
Rowiński, Janusz |
Export support and promotion scheme in Poland after accession to the European Union
2005 |
Chojna, Janusz |
The impact of adopting the EU common commercial policy on Poland's position
2005 |
Kaliszuk, Ewa |
The analysis of relative domestic export prices and profitability of exporting enterprises in 2000 - 2004
2005 |
Marczewski, Krzysztof |
The forecast of Poland's trade turnover in 2005 - 2006
2005 |
Kaleta-Jagiełło, Elżbieta Małgorzata |
Exchange rate in 2004
2005 |
Sokołowska, Barbara |
Economic situation in the new EU member states, Russia and other Central and Eastern European countries and their relations with Poland
2005 |
Blaszczuk, Marzenna |
The first year of Poland's membership in the European Union - concerns and reality
2005 |
Kawecka-Wyrzykowska, Elżbieta |