The aims of anthropological research
2006 |
Boas, Franz |
The limitations of the comparative method of anthropology
2006 |
Boas, Franz |
The group and the individual in functional analysis
2006 |
Malinowski, Bronislaw |
Thick description : toward an interpretive theory of culture
2006 |
Geertz, Clifford |
Ordinary language and human action
2006 |
Crick, Malcolm |
Language, anthropology and cognitive science
2006 |
Bloch, Maurice |
The antinomies
2006 |
Taylor, Stephen A. |
Puritanism and the spirit of capitalism
2006 |
Weber, Max |
Writing against culture
2006 |
Abu-Lughod, Lila |
The near and the elsewhere
2006 |
Augé, Marc |
2006 |
Latour, Bruno |
Anthropology and sociology
2006 |
Sapir, Edward |
The concept and method of cultural ecology
2006 |
Steward, Julian H. |
Energy and the evolution of culture
2006 |
White, Leslie A. |
Introduction to "Political Systems of Highland Burma"
2006 |
Leach, E.R. |
Social structure
2006 |
Lévi-Strauss, Claude |
Customs and cultures in animals and humans : neurobiological and evolutionary considerations
2006 |
Gibson, Kathleen R. |
Anthropology as interpretive quest
2006 |
Keesing, Roger M. |
Introduction to "Belief, Language, and Experience"
2006 |
Needham, Rodney |
Knowledge of the body
2006 |
Jackson, Michael |