Schamanentum : Weg zu einem alten neuen Bewußtsein
1999 |
Moos, Ute |
Four american myths concerning shamanism
1999 |
Lyon, William S. |
Last songs
1999 |
Schlesier, Karl Heinz |
Reise durch die Schamanenwelt
1999 |
Schenk, Amelie |
Close encounters of the shamanic kind : from meetings to models
1999 |
Krippner, Stanley |
Who are the shamans of the 20th century?
1999 |
Heinze, Ruth-Inge |
Shamanic inquiry as recovery of indigenous mind : towards an egalitarian exchange of knowledge
1999 |
Kremer, Jürgen W. |
Schamisches oder integriert-heilendes Bewußtsein
1999 |
van Quekelberghe, Renaud |
The unity of shamanism : unity or illusion
1999 |
Hultkrantz, Ake |
The art of shamanic healing
1999 |
Davis, Wade |
Shamanism and ontology : an evolutionary perspective
1999 |
Dobkin de Rios, Marlene |
Consciouness alteration as a poblem-solving device : the shamanic pathway
1999 |
Baker, John R. |
Apprentice to the spirits : the shamans spiritual path
1999 |
Horwitz, Jonathan |
Der Schamane im Kraftfeld von Geist, Energie und Natuir
1999 |
Kalweit, Holger |
The shamanic archetypal complex : the universal shamanic experience as a reflection of our inherent psychic terrain
1999 |
Smith, Amy |
Multiple voices : syccretizing theories of siberian shamans and anthropological ancestors
1999 |
Mandelstam Balzer, Majorie |
Shamanistic healers : a cross-cultural biopsychosocial perspective
1999 |
Winkelmann, Michael |
Die Kraft der Götter : Tamang Schamanentum in Nepal
1999 |
Eigner, Dagmar |
From one shaman to the next
1991 |
Opitz, Michael |
The shamans attention shift : the view from depth reality
1991 |
Johnson, Willard |