Nike's law : the anti-sweatshop movement, transnational corporations, and the struggle over international labor rights in the Americas
2005 |
Rodriguez-Garavito, César A. |
Campaigning for life : building a new transnational solidarity in the face of HIV/AIDS and TRIPS
2005 |
Klug, Heinz |
Political and legal struggles over resources and democracy : experiences with gender budgeting in Tanzania
2005 |
Rusimbi, Mary |
Indigenous rights, transnational activism, and legal mobilization : the struggle of the U'wa people in Colombia
2005 |
Rodriguez-Garavito, César A. |
Corporate social responsibility : a case of hegemony and counter-hegemony
2005 |
Shamir, Ronen |
Local contact points at global divides : labor rigths and immigrant rights as sites for cosmopolitan legality
2005 |
Ansley, Fran |
Bottom-up environmental law and democracy in the risk society : Portuguese experiences in the European context
2005 |
Nunes, Joa̋o Arriscado |
Law, politics, and the subaltern in counter-hegemonic globalization
2005 |
Sousa Santos, de, Boaventura |
Beyond neoliberal governance : the world social forum as subaltern cosmopolitan politics and legality
2005 |
Sousa Santos, de, Boaventura |
Two democracies, two legalities : participatory budgeting in Porto Alegre, Brazil
2005 |
Sousa Santos, de, Boaventura |
Negotiating informality within formality : land and housing in the Texas colonias
2005 |
Larson, Jane E. |
Limits of law in counter-hegemonic globalization : the Indian Supreme Court and the Narmada Valley struggle
2005 |
Rajagopal, Balakrishnan |
Defensive and oppositional counter-hegemonic uses of international law : from the International Criminal Court to the common heritage of humankind
2005 |
Pureza, José Manuel |
Life, life world, and life chances : vulnerability and survival in Indian constitution law
2005 |
Visvanathan, Shiv |
The movement of the landless (MST), juridical field, and legal change in Brazil
2005 |
Houtzager, Peter P. |