Maximum likelihood estimation of a dynamic error components model based on complete and incomplete time series-cross sectiondata : preliminary 18.3.1985
1985 |
Hylleberg, Svend |
Enforcing stationarity in exact maximum likelihood estimation of pt̕h order autoregressive processes
1985 |
Bunzel, Henning |
Generalized autoregressive condtional heteroscedasticity
1985 |
Bollerslev, Tim |
Private or public production : a European perspective
1985 |
Pommerehne, Werner W. |
The informational efficiency of price and quantity signals
1985 |
Andersen, Torben M. |
The dynamics of prices and wages in eight Latin American countries 1946-1982 : Febr. 1985
1985 |
Paldam, Martin |
Inflation and political instability in eight Latin American countries 1946-83
1985 |
Paldam, Martin |
Adjustment of nominal interest rates to inflation
1985 |
Andersen, T. M. |
Price and output responsiveness to nominal changes under differential information : rev. March 1985
1985 |
Andersen, Torben M. |
Prices and wages in the OECD area 1913-1980 : a study of the time series evidence
1984 |
Hylleberg, Svend |
Effective demand, differential information and the multiplier
1984 |
Andersen, Torben M. |
Recent developments in the theory of efficient capital markets
1984 |
Andersen, Torben M. |
Reduced asymptotic mean square prediction errors in a nonlinear simultaneous system
1984 |
Bollerslev, Tim |
A wage structure theory of inflation, industrial conflict and trade unions
1984 |
Paldam, Martin |
The existence of a stable cartel in a market for an exhaustible resource
1984 |
Hviid, Morten |
The small sample properties of an ML-estimator of economic relations based on incomplete time series-cross section data
1984 |
Hylleberg, Svend |
Price dynamics under imperfect information
1984 |
Andersen, Torben M. |
Er forskersamfundet humant?
1984 |
Perregaard, Henrik Preben |
Note on beskatningens renteincidens
1984 |
Thorlund Jepsen, Gunnar |
Können durch Steuersatzsenkungen die Steuereinnahmen erhöht werden?
1984 |
Schneider, Friedrich |