Sources in mission archives
2004 |
Jones, Adam |
Dutch merchants, missionaries, and academics on African religious, 1594-2000 : their earliest contributions
2004 |
Platvoet, Jan G. |
The dialectic of the French enlightenment for Africans : thinking alterity in Abbé Grégoire, Condorcet, Ch. de Brosses and Olympe de Gouges
2004 |
Bidima, Jean-Godefroy |
John Spencer Trimingham (*1904) on Islam in Africa : integrative or isolationist?
2004 |
Tayob, Abdulkader |
From Africa to Africa : the significance of approaches to the study of African religious at Aberdeen and Edinburgh Universities from 1970-1998
2004 |
Cox, James L. |
African Christian studies, 1967-1999 : reflections of an editor
2004 |
Hastings, Adrian |
Uppsala studies on religions of Africa
2004 |
Westerlund, David |
Africa Research Centre, University of Leuven : aims and activities
2004 |
Devisch, René |
Missionary experience and academic quest : the research situation in Greece
2004 |
Papathanasiou, Athanasios N. |
West African religions in European scholarship
2004 |
Danfulani, Umar Habila Dadem |
The use of European traditions in the study of religion in Africa : west African perspectives
2004 |
Adogame, Afe |
Wissenschaft, Africa and the cultural process according to Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803)
2004 |
Ustorf, Werner |
European perceptions of Islam in Africa : missionarities, administrators and scholars
2004 |
Levtzion, Nehemia |
The sociology of religion and the possibility of African society : some theoretical remarks
2004 |
Macamo, Elisio |
"Friend of Africa" : J. H. Oldham (1874-1969), missions and British colonial policy in the 1920s
2004 |
Clements, Keith |
From rationality to creativity : ritual activity and religious experience in the work of Edward Evans-Pritchard (1902-1973) and Victor Turner (1920-1983)
2004 |
Förster, Till |
From distance to difference : modern European travel accounts on religion and healing in Africa
2004 |
Debusmann, Robert |
'A theology of attention' : the CMS tradition at the end of the colonial era in Africa : Max Warren (1904-1977) and John V. Taylor (1914-2001)
2004 |
Ward, Kevin |
Institutions of the former GDR
2004 |
Heyden, Ulrich van der |
Writing of past : times an interdisciplinary approach to mission history
2004 |
Schultze, Andrea |