Multimarket contact and collusive behavior
2000 |
Bernheim, Bert Douglas |
The oligopoly solution concept is identified
2000 |
Bresnahan, Timothy F. |
The learning curve, market dominance, and predatory pricing
2000 |
Cabral, Luís M. B. |
Reputation and imperfect information
2000 |
Kreps, David M. |
Limit pricing and entry under incomplete information : an equilibrium analysis
2000 |
Milgrom, Paul |
Quantity precommitment and Bertrand competition yield Cournot outcomes
2000 |
Kreps, David M. |
The fat-cat effect, the puppy-dog ploy, and the lean and hungry look
2000 |
Fudenberg, Drew |
Noncooperative collusion under imperfect price information
2000 |
Green, Edward J. |
A supergame-theoretic model of price wars during booms
2000 |
Rotemberg, Julio |
Monopolistic competition and optimum product diversity
2000 |
Dixit, Avinash K. |
Contracts as a barrier to entry
2000 |
Aghion, Philippe |
Selection and the evolution of industry
2000 |
Jovanovic, Boyan |
Preemptive patenting and the persistence of monopoly
2000 |
Gilbert, Richard J. |
Preemption and rent equalization in the adoption of new technology
2000 |
Fudenberg, Drew |
Price and advertising signals of product quality
2000 |
Milgrom, Paul |
On hotelling's "stability in competition"
2000 |
Aspremont, Claude d' |
The role of investment in entry-deterrence
2000 |
Dixit, Avinash K. |
Uncertain innovation and the persistence of monopoly
2000 |
Reinganum, Jennifer Freidel |
Relaxing price competition through product differentiation
2000 |
Shaked, Avner |
A study of cartel stability : the joint executive committee, 1880 - 1886
2000 |
Porter, Robert H. |