Notes on the theory of imperialism
1966 |
Baran, Paul A. |
A generalized form of the refi interflow table
1966 |
Frisch, Ragnar |
Nekotorye soobraženija o schemach vosproizvodstva
1966 |
Bojarskij, A. Ja. |
Some reflections on the theory of investment and economic growth
1966 |
Dobb, Maurice |
A note on the rate of technical progress in developed and underdeveloped countries
1966 |
Dobrska, Zofia |
A contribution to the theory of sliding plans
1966 |
Habr, Jaroslav |
Optimum investment for growth
1966 |
Harrod, Roy |
Government intervention and the long-term growth in developed capitalist economies
1966 |
Szeworski, Adam |
Quantitative relations in production
1966 |
Lange, Oskar |
Ein neuer Weg für die schwach entwickelten Länder?
1966 |
Kuczynski, Jürgen |
The overall and partial optimum
1966 |
Fiszel, Henryk |
Osnovnye kontury modeli planovogo cenoobrazovanija
1966 |
Nemčinov, V. S. |
Der Durchschnittslohn bei optimal erweiterter Reproduktion
1966 |
Behrens, Fritz |
Growth with full employment of productive forces
1966 |
Brus, Włodzimierz |
Koėfficienty ėlastičnosti sprosa i potreblenija
1966 |
Svyrkov, V. V. |
The changing pattern of consumption
1966 |
Stone, Richard |
Institutional aspects of economic development
1966 |
Singh, V. B. |
On maturity in capitalist economies
1966 |
Stiendl, Josef |
The efficincy of international specialization in production among socialist countries
1966 |
Knyziak, Zygmunt |
Biography of Michael Kalecki
1966 |
Kowalik, Tadeusz |