People's Poland : the trade unions model (up to february 1981)
1982 |
Mojsiewicz, Czesław |
Determinants of Polish foreign policy, 1918-1978
1981 |
Pietras, Ziemowit Jacek |
International economic relations and the new international economic order
1981 |
Bożyk, Pawel |
Poland: parliament and evolution of the structure of government (some theoretical problems)
1981 |
Grzybowski, Marian |
The main features of urbanization processes in Poland
1981 |
Jałowiecki, Bohdan |
[Besprechung von:] Rurarz, Z.: Dylematy rozwoju, dziewie̜ć wykładów z mie̜dzynarodowych stosunków gospodarczych. (Development dilemmas. Nine lectures on the international economic relatios.) Warszawa 1977
1980 |
Kołodziej, Tadeusz |
Poland's economic position in Europe, 1918-1978
1980 |
Miszewski, Bronisław |
Poland's economic development between 1918-1978 and the growth of world economy
1980 |
Wielich, Wojciech |
International economic relations and the New International Economic Order
1980 |
Bożyk, Pawel |
International agreements between the Polish People's Republic and the USSR (An attempt to apply statistical methods and computer technique in research on agreements)
1980 |
Kowalski, Marian |
Policy of cooperation between East and West
1979 |
Dobroczyński, Michał |
[Besprechung von:] Bodnar, Artur: Ekonomika i politika. Podstawowe zależności. Warszawa 1976
1979 |
Dobroczyński, Michał |
Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe : foundations of legal interpretation
1978 |
Klafkowski, Alfons |
Respecting human rights in the declaration of principles of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
1978 |
Resich, Zbigniew |
The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe and peaceful coexistence
1978 |
Dobrosielski, Marian |
Political problems in social planning
1978 |
Czajka, Stanisław |
The role of the explanatory theory in the science of politics
1978 |
Bodnar, Artur |
The interest category in social sciences
1978 |
Gieorgica, Jerzy Paweł |
Conflict and consensus : toward a general model of society
1978 |
Mucha, Janusz |
"The civic culture" : a Marxist reassessement
1978 |
Wiatr, Jerzy J. |