Employment effects of alternative patterns of public expenditures and revenues
1979 |
Jenness, R. A. |
The Japanese labor market after the oil crisis, a factual report
1979 |
Shimada, Haruo |
Employment effects of changes in the composition of final demand
1979 |
Freyssinet, Jacques |
The new micro-economic theories of the labour market and their implications for employment and manpower policies
1979 |
Richardson, Ray |
Employment creation in the collective sector versus the enterprise sector (with special reference to the Netherlands economy)
1979 |
Beld, C. A. van den |
Unemployment as a constraint on labour market behaviour
1979 |
Ashenfelter, Orley |
Industrial investment strategy and its effects on employment
1979 |
Frey, Luigi |
The employment problem, a system's approach
1979 |
Weizsäcker, Christian Carl von |
Unemplyoment and the working year in Britain, 1961 to 1976
1979 |
Leicester, Colin |
The kondratiev long waves, technical change and unemployment
1979 |
Freeman, Christopher |
Determinants of the level and composition of labour supply
1979 |
Cain, Glen G. |
Changes in the lenght of the working year, a support for overall manpower and employment policies
1979 |
Kühl, Jürgen |
Technological progress as seen from the standpoint of science policy and its impact on production and employment structures
1979 |
Bonvalet, Marcel R. |
Employment policies and labour market theories
1979 |
Mériaux, Bernard |
Analysis of the mechanisms determining unemployment
1979 |
Salais, Robert |
Investment and employment on the assumption of slower growth
1979 |
Sautter, Christian |
The pattern of final demand and the sectoral composition of employment in the United Kingdom 1963-1980
1979 |
Woodward, Vivian |
Capital-labour substitution and other potential determinants of structural employment and unemployement
1979 |
Driehuis, Wim |