European labor markets and EMU : challenges ahead
2000 |
Soltwedel, Rüdiger |
European labor markets and EMU : challenges ahead
2000 |
Soltwedel, Rüdiger |
[Rezension von: Trends in business organization, Horst Siebert (ed.)]
1996 |
Miller, Robert R. |
IFC: Promoting private sector development
1988 |
Voluntary export restraints : [often involuntary, their costs may outweigh benefits]
1987 |
Boonekamp, Clemens F. |
Currency depreciation and export expansion
1987 |
Johnson, Omotunde E. G. |
Capital flight from developing countries : what is capital flight? ; how widespread is it? ; how can it be countered?
1987 |
Khan, Mohsin S. |
Measuring developing countries' external debt : a guide to the main internat. sources of information
1987 |
Weaving, Rachel |
Helping structural adjustment in low-income countries : a new Fund facility assists medium-term reform efforts
1987 |
Bell, Michael W. |
Market valuation of external debt : how the behavior of creditors and borrowing authorities affects the flows of new credits and investments in heavily indebted countries
1987 |
Dooley, Michael P. |
Investing in development : lessons of World Bank experience
1985 |
Baum, Warren C. |
Financial supermarkets in the United States
1984 |
Collyns, Charles |
Lessons from East African agriculture : a review of the design of bank agricultural projects in the region over 1972-82 shows mixed results
1984 |
Walton, Christopher |
Trade strategies and employment in developing countries : a recent study provides a better understanding of the link
1984 |
Krueger, Anne O. |
Adjustment to external shocks : why East Asian countries have fared better than other LDCs
1984 |
Hasan, Parvez |
Expatriate labor in Arab oil-producing countries
1984 |
Sherbiny, Naiem A. |
Whither the exchange rate system? : lessons of experience and options for the future
1984 |
Goldstein, Morris |
The World Bank's currency swaps
1984 |
Wallich, Christine I. |
The stabilizing role of fiscal policy : Measuring it and evaluating its effects
1984 |
Chand, Sheetal |
The World Bank in a changing financial environment : increasing borrowing flexibility and reducing costs
1984 |
Hoopengardner, Thomas |