[Besprechung von:] Reynolds, Charles: Modes of imperialism. New York 1981
1983 |
Wolfe, Martin |
The case for disarmament : some personal reflections on the United States and disarmament
1983 |
Price, Charles C. |
[Besprechung von:] Ethnic relations in America. Englewood Cliffs/N.J. 1982
1983 |
LaGumina, Salvatore J. |
[Besprechung von:] Winchester, Simon: Their noble lordships. Class and power in modern Britain. New York 1982
1983 |
Esbenshade, Ranz |
[Besprechung von:] Collier, Ruth Berins: Regimes in Tropical Africa. Changing forms of supremacy, 1945-1975. Berkeley 1982
1983 |
Creevey, Lucy |
Western Europe : cycles, crisis, and the nuclear revolution
1983 |
Kelleher, Catherine McArdle |
Here today, gone tomorrow-nuclear deterrence in the 1990s?
1983 |
Kupperman, Robert H. |
[Besprechung von:] Crouzet, Francois: The Victorian economy. Transl. by A. S. Forster. New York 1982
1983 |
Ferguson, Neal A. |
America's nuclear ferment : opportunities for change
1983 |
Rocque, Gene R. La |
Arms control developments
1983 |
Specter, Arlen |
[Besprechung von:] Kaufman, Burton I.: Trade and aid. Eisenhowerʹs foreign policy, 1953-1961. Baltimore/Md 1982
1983 |
Polachek, Solomon William |
[Besprechung von:] Hausman, Daniel M.: Capital, profits and prices. An essay in the philosophy of economics. New York 1981
1983 |
Viton, Philip A. |
[Besprechung von:] Parekh, Bhikhu C.: Marx's theory of ideology. Baltimore 1982
1983 |
Schneider, Eugene V. |
West German perspectives on nuclear armament and arms control
1983 |
Mattox, Gale A. |
[Besprechung von:] Development strategies and basic needs in Latin America. challenges for the 1980s. Boulder/Colo. 1982
1983 |
Dougan, William R. |
[Besprechung von:] Whitt, J. Allen: Urban elites and mass transportation. The dialectics of power. Princeton/N. J. 1982
1983 |
Tomazinis, Anthony R. |
[Besprechung von:] Morris, Warren B. jr.: The Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany. Chicago 1982
1983 |
Lear, Elmer N. |
[Besprechung von:] Dunleavy, Patrick: The politics of mass housing in Britain, 1945-1975. A study of corporate power and professional influence in the welfare state. Oxford 1981
1983 |
Murphy, Mary E. |
Ballistic missile defense : reflections on current issues
1983 |
Schwartz, David N. |
[Besprechung von:] Birnbaum, Pierre: The heights of power. An essay on the power elite in France. Transl. by Arthur Goldhammer. Chicago 1982
1983 |
Farrar, Marjorie M. |