External trade problems of the island states of the South Pacific : will the Common Fund for commodities help?
1984 |
Byamugisha, F. K. |
The plantation redistribution scheme in Papua New Guinea
1984 |
Eaton, Peter |
Foreign assistance for economic development
1984 |
Dahanayake, P. A. S. |
The economic impact of the Bougainville copper project
1984 |
O'Faircheallaigh, Ciaran |
Management and organization of integrated rural development projects in Papua New Guinea
1984 |
Quirós-Valera, Luis |
Regulation of investment : legal facts and fictions
1984 |
Harre, G. E. |
The New International Economic Order : what is in it, for whom, and where is it going?
1984 |
Sawyerr, Akilagpa |
The problem of choice in the formulation of development policies
1984 |
Das, D. K. |
Management development strategies
1984 |
Fernandez, M. V. |
The limitations of export-led growth
1984 |
Rao, S. K. |
Towards understanding transnational corporations in the Pacific
1984 |
Winkler, James |
Development without destruction : the case of Holokama plantation on Santa Isabel, Solomon Islands
1984 |
Whiteman, Darrell L. |
Trade development in the South Pacific : constraints and opportunities
1984 |
Redistribution within the village : can we rely on it?
1984 |
Morauta, Louise |
Stability and change in Papua New Guinea's international economic relations
1984 |
Gupta, Desh B. |
The vulnerability of small, open developing economies to external factors
1984 |
Kaputin, John |
The South Pacific Regional Trade anbd Economic Co-operation Agreement (SPARTECA) : Its contribution to the development of trade and investment in the Pacific Region
1984 |
Aua, K. |
The management of equity investment in the Solomon Islands, 1977-1980
1984 |
Carroll, P. |
Trade and development : the challenge of today, the demands of tomorrow
1984 |
Levi, Noel |
Agricultural production, planning and marketing links with the Ok Tedi mine development in Western Province
1984 |
Bastin, Geoffrey |