Priorities in economic development
1968 |
Alisbah, Bilsel |
An approach to the analysis of political systems
1968 |
Easton, David |
Social change in Africa
1968 |
Mair, Lucy Philip |
Trade unionism in Africa as a factor in nation building
1968 |
Riddell, John |
The intellectuals in the political development of the new states
1968 |
Shils, Edward A. |
Armies in the process of political modernization
1968 |
Pye, Lucian W. |
Economic development : political preconditions and political consequences
1968 |
Spengler, Joseph J. |
Political development and political decay
1968 |
Huntington, Samuel P. |
Southeast Asian relations with Africa
1968 |
Mehden, Fred R. von der |
Asian nonalignment
1968 |
Gupta, Sisir K. |
The appeal of communism to the underdeveloped peoples
1968 |
Watnick, Morris |
The Afro-Asian elites
1968 |
Avineri, Shelomoh |
Nationalism, Latin America's predominant ideology
1968 |
Alexander, Robert Jackson |
A functional approach to comparative politics
1968 |
Almond, Gabriel A. |
The new middle class
1968 |
Halpern, Manfred |
Latin American constitutions : nominal and real
1968 |
Mecham, John Lloyd |
Modernizing styles of life : a theory
1968 |
Lerner, Daniel |
Corruption in developing countries
1968 |
Wraith, Ronald W. |
The ʺLatin-American blocʺ in the United Nations
1968 |
Cornelius, William G. |
U.S. assistance to less developed countries, 1956-65
1968 |
Kauffmann, Kenneth M. |