Evaluation of real national income
1969 |
Samuelson, Paul Anthony |
The pricing of public utility undertakings
1969 |
Henderson, Alexander M. |
The welfare cost of inflationary finance
1969 |
Bailey, Martin J. |
A note on welfare propositions in economics
1969 |
Scitovsky, Tibor |
Two concepts of external economies
1969 |
Scitovsky, Tibor |
Optimality and informational efficiency in resource allocation processes
1969 |
Hurwicz, Leonid |
The general welfare in relation to problems of taxation and of railway and utility rates
1969 |
Hotelling, Harold |
The pure theory of public expenditure
1969 |
Samuelson, Paul Anthony |
External economies and diseconomies in a competitive situation
1969 |
Meade, James Edward |
Welfare economics and economic policy
1969 |
Radomysler, A. |
Increasing returns and economic progress
1969 |
Young, Allyn Abbott |
Welfare propositions of economics and interpersonal comparisons of utility
1969 |
Kaldor, Nicholas |
The interpretation of voting in the allocation of economic resources
1969 |
Bowen, Howard R. |
A reformulation of certain aspects of welfare economics
1969 |
Bergson, Abram |
Some fallacies in the interpretation of social cost
1969 |
Knight, Frank Hyneman |
Efficiency and amenity
1969 |
Jouvenel, Bertrand de |
On optimum tariff structures
1969 |
Graaff, Jan de V. |
Utility, strategy, and social decision rules
1969 |
Vickrey, William Spencer |
The influence of the capital-output ratio on real national income
1969 |
Allais, Maurice |
A difficulty in the concept of social welfare
1969 |
Arrow, Kenneth Joseph |