Fickle emerging market flows, stable euros, and the dollar risk factor
2023 |
Boermans, Martijn A. |
Bilateral international investments : the big sur?
2023 |
Broner, Fernando |
Credit growth, the yield curve and financial crisis prediction : evidence from a machine learning approach
2023 |
Bluwstein, Kristina |
The importance of business travel for trade : evidence from the liberalization of the Soviet airspace
2023 |
Söderlund, Bengt |
Trade networks and firm value : evidence from the US-China trade war
2023 |
Huang, Yi |
The economic costs of trade sanctions : evidence from North Korea
2023 |
Kim, Jihee |
A second-best argument for low optimal tariffs on intermediate inputs
2023 |
Caliendo, Lorenzo |
Global impacts of US monetary policy uncertainty shocks
2023 |
Lastauskas, Povilas |
Reallocation and productivity in resource-rich economies
2023 |
Heresi, Rodrigo |
Global financial cycle and liquidity management
2023 |
Jeanne, Olivier |
Utilization-adjusted TFP across countries : measurement and implications for international comovement
2023 |
Huo, Zhen |
The globalization of corporate control
2023 |
Fonseca, Luís |
Migration, tariffs, and China's export surge
2023 |
Liu, Chen |
Monetary policy shocks and consumer expectations in the euro area
2023 |
Geiger, Martin |
The rise in foreign currency bonds : the role of US monetary policy and capital controls
2023 |
Bacchetta, Philippe |
Low pass-through and international synchronization in general equilibrium : reassessing vertical integration
2023 |
De Walque, Gregory |
Forecasting the U.S. Dollar in the 21st Century
2023 |
Engel, Charles |
Trade barriers and CO 2
2023 |
Klotz, Richard |
Risk sharing and the adoption of the Euro
2023 |
Ferrari, Alessandro |
Sudden stops and optimal foreign exchange intervention
2023 |
Davis, Scott |