The growth of the city in Asia
1968 |
Subhan, Malcom |
L' aménagement du bassin du Mékong
1967 |
Gomane, Jeanne-Pierre |
Modern and contemporary Chinese historiography
1967 |
Pokora, T. |
Hindu law of succession
1967 |
Rocher, Ludo J. |
The cultural revolution in Tsinghai province
1967 |
Ellegiers, Daniel |
The Samin and Samat movements in Java : Two examples of peasant resistance
1967 |
The Siauw Giap |
Le cheminement de l'armeé indonésienne vers le pouvoir
1967 |
Tran Buu Khanh |
Légère amélioration de l'économie en Birmanie?
1967 |
Jadoul, Ivan |
The geopolitics of Hong Kong
1967 |
Roucek, Joseph Slabey |
La resistance anti-maoiste en Chine
1967 |
Ellegiers, Daniel |
Quelques expériences de gestion centralisée de la fonction publique dans le Sud-Est Asiatique
1967 |
Chapel, Yves |
L' affrontement au cachemire vu au travers de la presse belge
1966 |
Subhan, Malcom |
The confrontation between developed and developing countries in the U.N.C.T.A.D.
1966 |
Subhan, Malcom |
Indian socialists in disarray
1966 |
Singh, L. P. |
Changing Japanese foreign policy in regard to the U.S. and communist countries
1966 |
Roucek, Joseph Slabey |
Highlights of exploration in Iran 1956-1965
1966 |
Paran, Y. |
Group conflict in a plural society
1966 |
Siauw Giap, The |
Group conflict in a plural society
1966 |
Siauw Giap, The |
India's economic crisis-role of Western Europe in the fourth five-year plan
1966 |
Lall, K. B. |
Réflexions sur les problémes actuels du Viêt-Nam
1965 |
Nguyen, Van Chien |