Crowd behavior as "risky shift" : a laboratory experiment
1977 |
Johnson, Norris R. |
Effects of polling order on social influence in decision-making groups
1977 |
Carlston, Donal E. |
Preference for inequality
1977 |
Brickman, Philip |
The obnoxious and the nice : some sociological consequences of two psychological types
1977 |
Davis, Murray S. |
Post hoc justification of family size
1977 |
Kiesler, Sara B. |
Status congruence and associativeness
1977 |
Fleishman, John |
Toward an implicit theory of interpersonal communication
1977 |
Wish, Myron |
Status characteristics, reward allocation, and equity
1977 |
Parcel, Toby L. |
Socioeconomic achievement and the Machivellian personality
1977 |
Turner, Charles F. |
Anticipatory socialization and male Catholic adolescent socio-political attitudes
1977 |
OʹKane, James M. |
The three faces of social psychology
1977 |
House, James S. |
Role-set configuration as a predictor of role conflict and ambiguity in complex organizations
1977 |
Miles, Robert H. |
Occupational prestige and distributive justice
1976 |
Villemez, Wayne J. |
Ethnic self-identity : a comparison of ingroup evaluations
1976 |
Driedger, Leo |
Decision-making and social influence : a revised model and further experimental evidence
1976 |
Camilleri, Santo F. |
Family socialization and educational achievement in two cultures : Mexican-American and Anglo-American
1976 |
Anderson, James G. |
Interracial perceptions among high school students
1976 |
Patchen, Martin |
Social decision making behavior : an empirical test of two models
1976 |
Balkwell, James W. |
Sex composition and leadership in small groups
1976 |
Eskilson, Arlene |
The young male adolescent's perception of early child-rearing behavior : the differential effects of socioeconomic status and family size
1976 |
Scheck, Dennis C. |