Interest rate spreads on government bonds before and after EMU
2000 |
Donnay, Marie |
The transmission of monetary policy in the euro-area
2000 |
Peersman, Gert |
Cyclical convergence or differentiation? : Insights from the first year of EMU
2000 |
Buti, Marco |
How to deal with asymmetric shocks under European Monetary Union?
2000 |
Beetsma, Roel |
Ervaringen met de collectieve schuldenregeling
2000 |
Oste, Luk |
Electronic commerce en de banksector : overzicht van een fenomeen in volle ontwikkeling
2000 |
DeSchuymer, Wim |
Supervising the European financial system
2000 |
Lannoo, Karel |
Perception and initial assessment of monetary reserves in the euro money market : the Belgian case
2000 |
Plettinck, Eddy |
The single monetary policy in Euroland : from theory to operations and facts
2000 |
The genesis of EMU monetary policy
2000 |
Rey, Jean-Jacques |
The internationalisation of the euro : a long and difficult process
2000 |
Lierman, Frank |
Institutional environment and monetary transmission in the euro-area : a cross-country view
2000 |
Fase, Martin M. G. |
Asymmetrical evaluation of ECB monetary policy
2000 |
Verfaille, Guy |
Descriptions des derniers développements législatifs et réglementaires liés à la restructuration de la place financière de Bruxelles
2000 |
Taevernier, Béatrice |
Zijn betaalmiddelen publieke goederen? : Over tarifering en overheidsinterventie
2000 |
Van Hove, Leo |
Het rendement van financie͏̈le beleggingen in Belgie͏̈ (1950 - 1999)
2000 |
VanPoppel, Charles |
Methodological issues & advances in mutual-fund performance evaluation
2000 |
Sercu, Piet |
Efficiency & structural issues in European banking
2000 |
Casu, Barbara |
Efficiency and technical change in Europe's savings banks industry
2000 |
Carbó Valverde, Santiago |
The eurosystem and financial stability
2000 |
Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso |