An integrative theory of patronage preference and behavior
1983 |
Sheth, Jagdish N. |
Retail patronage : a causal analysis of antecedent factors
1983 |
Mason, J. Barry |
The importance of travel mode factors in the patronage of retail centres
1983 |
Bucklin, Louis P. |
Measurement and classification of sex role orientations : sex role types patronage attitudes
1983 |
Darden, William R. |
Store image measurement in patronage research : fact and artifact
1983 |
Peterson, Robert A. |
Purchase expectations, consumer attitudes, and patronage intentions
1983 |
Bearden, William O. |
Incorporating heterogeneity and uncertainty in utility estimates for patronage alternatives
1983 |
MacKay, David B. |
High-end fashion positioning
1983 |
Ring, Lawrence J. |
Store image development and the question of congruency
1983 |
Rosenbloom, Bert |
Market positioning : a new strategic approach for retailers
1983 |
Haueisen, William |
The geographically mobile consumer : a conceptual framework for retail management and patronage theory development
1983 |
Hyman, Michael R. |
Image as a component of attraction to intraurban shopping areas
1983 |
Nevin, John R. |
The consumer affairs department in retailing : integrating patronage strategy with the consumer interest
1983 |
Stampfl, Ronald W. |
Pushing the hot buttons for a successful retailing strategy
1983 |
Tigert, Douglas J. |
Supplier selection by retailers : research progress and needs
1983 |
Cravens, David W. |
A comparison and test of three causal models of patronage intentions
1983 |
Darden, William R. |
Identifying interurban shoppers : multiproduct purchase patterns and segmentation profiles
1983 |
Darden, William R. |
The BehaviorScan research facility for studying retail shopping patterns
1983 |
Fulgoni, Gian M. |
Faces : a method of portraying multivariate data graphically
1983 |
Huff, David L. |
Direct response marketing : understanding patronage bahavior and testing competing strategies
1983 |
Woodside, Arch G. |