Organizational structure and responsibilities in co-operatives
1967 |
Digby, Margaret |
Co-operative law, regulations and cosnstitution
1967 |
Austin, J. R. |
The history, functions and significance of F. M. C. (Meat) Limited
1967 |
Bucknall, V. J. L. |
Advertising and market research in agriculture
1967 |
Pickard, David |
World situation and for sugar
1967 |
Liddiard, R. E. |
The special role of farmers' marketing organizations in economic development
1967 |
Surridge, Brewster Joseph |
Status, achievements and problems of agricultural co-operatives in Europe
1967 |
Hewlett, R. |
The marketing of sugar
1967 |
Shemilt, Gordon L. |
The principles of business organization for policy formulation, co-ordination and execution
1967 |
Skillicorn, M. D. |
World situation and outlook for oilseeds, oil and fats
1967 |
Sauvage, J. |
The group marketing movement in the United Kingdom
1967 |
Dodds, P. R. |
Raw cotton marketing
1967 |
Hutchinson, W. B. |
Production and marketing of tea
1967 |
Yuille, A. B. |
Education in the co-operative movement
1967 |
Marshall, R. L. |
The financing of agricultural co-operatives
1967 |
Morgan, W. |
Marketing boards
1967 |
Morley, J. A. E. |
Labour organization and management in a co-operative
1967 |
Brind, P. J. |
Modern data - processing systems used by West Cumberland Farmers' Trading Society Limited
1967 |
Clark, J. E. |
The role of agricultural co-operative apex organisations in the United Kingdom
1967 |
Corke, N. C. E. |
Division and amalgamations in co-operatives
1967 |
Austin, J. R. |