Energy systems : global options and strategies
1976 |
Häfele, W. |
Modeling of health care systems
1976 |
Venedictov, D. D. |
Computer networking
1976 |
Butrimenko, A. |
Theoretical aspects of policy studies
1976 |
Kantorovich, L. |
Large-scale planning projects : the Tennessee Valley Authorithy and the Bratsk-Ilimsk complex
1976 |
Knop, H. |
Tisza and Vistula River basins : case studies
1976 |
Kaczmarek, Z. |
The systems approach to solving national economic problems
1976 |
Koziolek, H. |
Future research directions
1976 |
Aganbegyan, A. |
Analytical aspects of policy studies
1976 |
Koopmans, T. C. |
Development of the Tisza River basin
1976 |
Dávid, L. |
An organizational approach to integrated regional development
1976 |
Davies, C. |
Creating an international research institution
1976 |
Raiffa, H. |
Application of on-line prediction techniques to forecasting short-term agriculture water demand
1976 |
Szöllösi-Nagy, A. |
The steel case, conceptual framework and hierarchial control approach
1976 |
Lefkowitz, I. |
A pilot linear programming model for assessing physical impact on the economy of a changing energy picture
1976 |
Dantzig, G. B. |
Aspects of multiple-objective evaluation at IIASA
1976 |
Keeney, R. L. |
Management of regional energy : Environment Systems
1976 |
Foell, W. K. |
Applying systems analysis in an international setting
1976 |
Levien, R. E. |
Systems approaches to human settlements
1976 |
Hansen, N. |
Models and decision-making in integrated regional development
1976 |
Owsinski, J. |