Aspects of the role of contract in the economic development of Ghana
1973 |
Date-Bah, S. K. |
Opting out the common law : recent developments in the legal system of the Sudan
1973 |
Mustafa, Zaki |
A comparative study of the legal profession in East Africa
1973 |
Ross, S. D. |
La réforme du droit civil au Zai͏̈re : Comment concilier tradition et développement?
1973 |
Pauwels, Johan M. |
Personal law in the Sudan : trends and developments
1973 |
Akolawin, Natale Olwak |
L' Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Sénégal
1972 |
Amar, M. Ould |
Lʹ Organisation de lʹUnité Africaine et le développement économique de lʹAfrique
1972 |
Kamanda, J. G. |
The East African Community
1972 |
Sebalu, Paulo |
Uppsala Conference on Legal Mechanismus of Economic Co-operation in African International Organizations : special number
1972 |
Judicial protection of some fundamental rights in Nigeria and in the Sudan before and during military rule
1972 |
Aguda, Akinola |
The legal procedures and techniques oc economic cooperation
1972 |
Sundström, G. O. Z. |
A milestone in the integration of personal laws : the new law of marriage and divorce in Tanzania
1972 |
Read, James S. |
Objectif, objets et degrés de la coopération économique inter-africaine
1972 |
Vanderlinden, J. |
The Lake Chad Basin Commission
1972 |
Tonwe, B. O. |
Lʹ Association des Compagnies Aériennes Africaines
1972 |
Kraiem, M. |
The Economic Commission for Africa
1972 |
Akiwumi, A. H. |
The institutional framework of the association of African Central Banks
1972 |
Akiwumi, A. H. |
Unitar and its contribution to the field of development relating to Africa
1972 |
Andemikael, Berhanykun |
Adoption in Ethiopia ten years after the Civil Code
1972 |
Beckstrom, John H. |
Les résultats de la coopération économique
1972 |
Borella, François |