Public policy toward mergers in food retailing
1969 |
Mueller, Willard F. |
Why the growing farm-retail price spread?
1969 |
Hammond, Jerome W. |
The implications of changing power on agriculture
1969 |
Hathaway, Dale E. |
What ails world agriculture?
1969 |
Schultz, Theodore William |
The three economies of agriculture
1969 |
Breimyer, Harold F. |
The old agricultural lag
1969 |
Boulding, Kenneth Ewart |
The Food Commission : its product and its role
1969 |
Brandow, George E. |
In search of principles of farm policy
1969 |
Brandow, George E. |
Rural poverty
1969 |
Bryant, W. Keith |
Proposed and existing organizational efforts for farmers
1969 |
Paarlberg, Don |
Commodity programs for agriculture
1969 |
Tweeten, Luther G. |
Agricultural cooperatives and the antitrust laws
1969 |
Turner, Donald F. |
Bargaining in agriculture and industry : comparisons and constrasts
1969 |
Fuller, Varden |
The crises in the traditional roles of agricultural institutions
1969 |
Bonnen, James T. |
Parity price
1969 |
Thomsen, Frederick Lundy |
Agricultural policy in an affluent society
1969 |
Ruttan, Vernon W. |
How much should government do?
1969 |
Gordon, Kermit |
Malthus, Marx, and the North American breadbasket
1969 |
Freeman, Orville L. |
Agriculture and foreign economic policy
1969 |
Johnson, D. Gale |
The need for improved mobility policy
1969 |
Bishop, Charles E. |