Price effects of a lack of speculation
1983 |
Gray, Roger W. |
A note on the variability of futures prices
1983 |
Rutledge, D. J. S. |
A test of the serial independence of price changes in soybean futures
1983 |
Smidt, Seymour |
The simultaneous determination of sot and futures prices
1983 |
Stein, Jerome L. |
Futures markets, buffer stocks, and income stability for primary producers
1983 |
McKinnon, Ronald I. |
The theory of hedging and speculation in commodity futures
1983 |
Johnson, Leland L. |
Temporal relationships among prices on commodity futures markets : their allocative and stabilizing roles
1983 |
Tomek, William G. |
Normal backwardation, forecasting, and the returns to commodity futures traders
1983 |
Rockwell, Charles S. |
Hedging and income stability : concepts, implications, and example
1983 |
Peck, Anne E. |
Measurement of a random process in futures prices
1983 |
Larson, Arnold B. |
The characteristic bias in some thin futures markets
1983 |
Gray, Roger W. |
The futures market for maine potatoes : an appraisal
1983 |
Gray, Roger W. |
The search for a risk premium
1983 |
Gray, Roger W. |
The influence of futures trading on cash cattle price variations
1983 |
Taylor, Gregory S. |
The price performance on the futures market of a nonstorable commodity : live beef cattle
1983 |
Leuthold, Raymond M. |
Futures trading and the storage of cotton and wheat
1983 |
Telser, Lester G. |
Can speculators forecast prices?
1983 |
Houthakker, H. S. |
Commodity futures : trends or random walks?
1983 |
Stevenson, Richard A. |
Onions revisited
1983 |
Gray, Roger W. |