Rural small-scale industry : Empirical evidence and policy issues
1984 |
Chuta, Enyinna |
Models of agricultural development
1984 |
Ruttan, Vernon W. |
The role of land reform in economic development : Policies and politics
1984 |
Janvry, Alain de |
Prices, markets, and the Chinese peasant
1984 |
Lardy, Nicholas R. |
Food price policy and income distribution in low-income countries
1984 |
Mellor, John W. |
The rise and fall of community development, 1950-65 : a critical assessment
1984 |
Holdcroft, Lane E. |
The economics of agricultural research
1984 |
Schultz, Theodore W. |
Induced innovation model of agricultural development
1984 |
Ruttan, Vernon W. |
A critical appraisal of the Chinese model of development
1984 |
Tang, Anthony M. |
Assessment of the green revolution
1984 |
Hayami, Yujiro |
The political economy of rural development in Latin America : comment
1984 |
Schuh, G. Edward |
Benefits and obstacles in developing appropriate agricultural technology
1984 |
Evenson, Robert E. |
A critique of traditional agricultural credit projects and policies
1984 |
Adams, Dale W. |
Induced innovation model of agricultural development : comment
1984 |
Beckford, George L. |
Exports and economic development of less developed countries
1984 |
Myint, Hla |
Agricultural development and the intersectoral transfer of resources
1984 |
Mellor, John W. |
Food security in developing countries : national issues
1984 |
Lele, Uma |
Rural Africa : modernization, equity, and long-term development
1984 |
Lele, Uma |
Developing a food strategy
1984 |
Timmer, C. Peter |
The role of the United States in alleviating world hunger
1984 |
Falcon, Walter P. |